Fire Audit

Fire Audit

200000.00 - 300000.00 INR/Unit

Product Details:


Fire Audit Price And Quantity

  • 1 Unit
  • 200000.00 - 300000.00 INR/Unit

Fire Audit Trade Information

  • 2 Unit Per Week
  • 10-15 Days

Product Description

Fire Safety Audit

  • To carry out a systematic, critical appraisal of all potential Fire hazards involving personnel, premises, services & operation method
  • To ensure that occupational Safety & Health System fully satisfy the legal requirements and those of company’s written safety policies , objectives & progress
Scope of Work
Fire Hazard Identification
  • Identifying potential fire / eexplosion hazards / risks in the Premises and suggesting appropriate preventive measures
  • Evaluate the Fire risk in each operation / area.
Fire fighting system
  • Evaluate  the  location  of  the  Fire  pump  house  and  water  storage  tank  to  meet  the Statute and standard requirements and the availability of nearby hazards.
  • Adequacy  of  the  underground  and  above  ground  fire  water  tank  and  pumping capacity,  Availability  of  Overhead  tank  and  its  interconnection  with  Fire  water network, and backup supply
  • Configuration of the pumps and valves for the hydrant and sprinkler system
  • Checking   the   Adequacy   of   the   sprinkler   system,   detection   system,   operating temperature / other parameter
Fire detection and alarm system
  • Adequacy  of  the  Fire  detection  and  alarm  (FDA)  system  with  respect  to  relevant standards,  positioning   of   the   detectors   with   respect   to   ventilation   system,   beam   depth, obstructions, etc.
  • Checking the availability and adequacy of the backup power supply to FDA panel and other electrically operated emergency equipments
  • Type of cables used for emergency service.
Gas suppression system
  • Assess the requirement of Gas suppression system based on fire risk and criticality of the equipments / operations as per relevant standards.
  • Assessing the location of the Gas suppression cylinders, routing of pipeline, location of manual release and abort switches and panel, Standby power supply, etc.
Fire extinguisher
  • Checking  the  adequacy  and  deployment  of  the  portable  Fire  extinguisher  as  per  relevant standards.
  • Accessibility  to  extinguishers  as  per  relevant standards  and  availability  of  refills,  mounting practice, etc.
Passive fire protection
  • Segregation of the facilities and utilities, requirement of fire partition walls and its fire rating
  • Segregation of power cables and data cables and utilities lines
  • Addressing the fire spread through vertical and horizontal openings meant for cable passes, utility lines, etc.
  • Fire rating of the emergency exit doors, Fire lifts, etc.
  • Fire rating of building construction, internal partitions and false ceilings.
Emergency Management & Life Safety System
  • Availability of Emergency preparedness plan
  • Adequacy of emergency exit based on occupant load / type of occupancy / type of exit
  • Adequacy and availability of emergency lights and ventilation
  • Segregation of the emergency exit from the remaining facility.
  • Communication of emergency, Mutual Aid, etc.
  • Approach road width and clearance.
  • Access and egress to the building.
  • Open space around the building.
  • Adequacy of siganges.
  • Assess the requirement of passive fire protection system like cable pass sealants, etc.
  • Assessment of fire safety training level of security staff, and facility management staff.
  • Assessment of emergency plan, fire mockup drill records, evacuation plan and its adequacy.


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